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Smenkhkare (1336–1334BC)

Akhenaten (who had Akhetaten as his political capital) in his life had 6 daughters by his Wife, the famous queen Nefertiti, but no sons. There is some doubts about his successor who likely was the pharaoh Smenkhare who appears briefly, though some historias suggest that this was a throne name of Nefertiti (as we will explain later), ruling after the death of her husband. The other historians believe that one of the mummies of Akhenaten is actually the mummy of Smenkhare. With that, may be Smenkhare was a half-brother of Akhenaten or the younger brother of him. Smenkhkare or Smenkhare reign after king Akhenaten and before the reign of Tutankhamun
Most of the historians suggested that Smenkhkare rule for few months or one year at most. Other Egyptologists suggested that he rule more than 10 years. In any way his period considered an mysterious or abstruse period. Some scholars see that Smenkhkare was an other name of Nefertiti. The cartouche of Smenkhkare appeared in a piece of gold, but that piece was stolen when the tomb opened. Some historians see that Smenkhkare was the son of Amenhotep III or Akhenaten. But he was born three years before the reign of Akhenaten began, add to that the known about Akhenaten' parentage was just six daughters but no male, so that we can't say that he was the son of Akhenaten, the evidences refer to he was the son of Amenhotep III, and that is just suggests, but the fact is unknown to the historians. Few years after the reign of Smenkhare, Tutankhaten access the throne. 
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