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Tutankhamuns Children

In cooperation with the Cairo University s Staff of Medicine, the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) begun a scientific project to subject two mummified fetuses which have been put in at the university since their discovery in Tutankhamuns tomb in 1922 on Luxors westward bank. It is believed that the small bodies may be those of the young kings abortion children.
Farouk Hosni, (The Minister of Culture), declared the collaborative project today, overtime that the scientific team directed by Dr. Ashraf Selim, chief of Cairo Scan, and Dr. Yehia Zakaria of the National Research Center accomplished a CT scan on the two foetuses and took samples in order to carry out a DNA exams. Dr. Zahi Hawass (Secretary General of the SCA) told that the study aims at identifying the lineage and the family of king Tutankhamun, especially his parents. The DNA test and the CT scan will may also help to discover the fetuses mother. The issues of these studies, asserted Hawass, will also assist in identifying the mummy of queen Nefertiti, the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton. Within the model of the SCAs project to CT scan all royal mummies for recognition, samples from several anonymous female mummies found at the Egyptian museum have been engaged for DNA testing. All of the results will be equated and compared with each other, close with those of the mummy of the boy king Tutankhamun, which CT skimmed in 2005. Hawass also signed a scientific accord with Dr. Ahmed Sameh, chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, to prove Egypts second ever DNA science lab at the faculty. The first one is within the Egyptian Museum. Such a science lab, explained Dr. Hawass, will help scientists and researchers to accomplish scientific comparisons between the results supplied from both labs. Dr. Hawass said that the forensic department at the faculty will study the bones discovered within the pyramid constructors cemetery on the Giza plateau, in order to learn of the diseases that they endured during their lifetimes and their rate ages at death.  
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