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Ramses II slaves

Although Ramses the great is thought to have reigned Egypt 1279-1213 BCE", he in reality ruled Egypt between around 650-610 BC. Ramses II is the Pharaoh Necho of the Bible (Tanaach). By the historical reconstruction now established on the carbon-dating of King Tut at 800 BCE not 1300 BCE, Queen Hatshepsut ("The sign of the Sheba of the South") circa 950 BC; and the completely obvious reference to Israel in 586 BCE from Merneptah (Merenptah) son of Pharaoh Ramses II that "Israel's Seed is amputate (altered); The Land (Retinu) demolished to the ground"; it's acquit the ramesside kings were 800 years afterward Moses.

The old thought that the Ramesses of Exodus 1:11 and Ramesses of Genesis 47:11, 2 incidents 430 years aside chronologically, were in some way contemporaries of Moses, dominated the idea of the editing. This is where an ancient city is commemorated in an edited text of a identical old text with the name of the city contemporary with the scribes copying the ancient text into afresh copy. This had to be done every coevals with the Bible's scrolls. Normally the names of cities didn't alteration much extra time but Pithom or Memphis did change more. Thence a redaction was clearly necessity or at least almost advisable in circa 500 BCE. It was as well cognised as Tahpanhes or Si-en Ptah, Noph, Moph, Migdol and the city of the ramessides. In fact King Ramses II and his sons probably reconstructed a lot of Memphis-Pithom (Memphit = Phit-mem = Pithom, see Budge "Heri P-Temai") with Israelite confinement around 600 BC. Jeremiah went and assured the Jews to return to Israel in his forty-fourth chapter.

The Jews did so construct both Pithom in 1500 BCE and Memphit-Phithom in 600 BCE when it was called the ramesside capital (ira miskenot). Unluckily, besides reading Exodus 1:11 "The Hebrews constructed the Pithom (Ramesseum)", 2 cities were acquired to have been built. It is true 2 cities were constructed by Jewish labour. However, they weren't two capital cities in two dissimilar sites in as is era. Instead, they were 2 cities built upon as is site in 2 dissimilar eras (1500 and 600 BC).


Family, Life and Childhood of King Ramses II
King Ramses II
Pharaoh Nubnefer
Pharaoh Neferkare
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