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The Valley of the Kings, Tombs List

The Valley of the Kings was the royal burial ground for 62 Pharaohs, and is placed on the west bank at Luxor. The only becharm to this position was a long narrow curving way. This was a secret localise, wherever sentries were laid at the entrance of the Valley, also as along the top of the hills, in the desires of admonishing tomb robbers, who had in the past despoiled all royal tombs, letting in the treasures of the Pyramids. Some larcenies were believably carefully planned, but other larcenies were gad of the moment, as when an earliest tomb was by chance discovered while abbreviating a new one and workmen capitalised of the opportunity. This may have befell when KV 46 was discovered during the abbreviating of KV 4 or KV 3 contiguous. The tombs in the Valley ambit from a simple mark (e.g. KV 54), to a tomb with over 121 corridors and chambers (KV 5).

The Valley of the Kings Tombs:

KV 1
Possessor: Ramesses VII
Dynasty: 20

KV 2
Possessor: Ramesses IV
Dynasty: 20

KV 3
Possessor: Constructed for a son of Ramesses III
Dynasty: 20

KV 4
Possessor: Ramesses XI
Dynasty: 20

KV 5
Possessor: Sons of Ramesses II
Dynasty: 19

KV 6
Possessor: Ramesses IX
Dynasty: 20

KV 7
Possessor: Ramesses II
Dynasty: 19

KV 8
Possessor: Merenptah
Dynasty: 19

KV 9
Possessor: Ramesses V/VI
Dynasty: 20

KV 10
Possessor: Amenmeses
Dynasty: 19

KV 11
Possessor: Ramesses III
Dynasty: 20

KV 12
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 13
Possessor: Bay
Dynasty: 19

KV 14
Possessor: Tausert / Setnakht
Dynasty: 19

KV 15
Possessor: Seti II
Dynasty: 19

KV 16
Possessor: Ramesses I
Dynasty: 19

KV 17
Possessor: Seti I
Dynasty: 19

KV 18
Possessor: Ramesses X
Dynasty: 20

KV 19
Possessor: Mentuherkhepshef
Dynasty: 20

KV 20
Possessor: Thutmoses I / Hatshepsut
Dynasty: 18

KV 21
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

WV 22
Possessor: Amenhotep III
Dynasty: 18

WV 23
Possessor: Ay
Dynasty: 18

WV 24
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

WV 25
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 26
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 27
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 28
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 29
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 30
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 31
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 32
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 33
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 34
Possessor: Tuthmosis III
Dynasty: 18

KV 35
Possessor: Amenhotep II
Dynasty: 18

KV 36
Possessor: Maiherperi
Dynasty: 18

KV 37
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 38
Possessor: Tuthmosis I
Dynasty: 18

KV 39
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 40
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 41
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 42
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 43
Possessor: Tuthmosis IV
Dynasty: 18

KV 44
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 45
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 46
Possessor: Yuya and Thuya
Dynasty: 18

KV 47
Possessor: Siptah
Dynasty: 19

KV 48
Possessor: Amenemopet
Dynasty: 18

KV 49
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 50
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 51
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 52
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 53
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 54
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 55
Possessor: Amarna Cache
Dynasty: 18

KV 56
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 57
Possessor: Horemheb
Dynasty: 18

KV 58
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 59
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 60
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 61
Possessor: Unnamed
Dynasty: 18

KV 62
Possessor: Tutankhamun
Dynasty: 18

Related Posts:

Ramses II Tomb (KV 7)
Khufu Tomb
The Tomb of Thutmose III (KV34)