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The Boundary Stelae of Akhenaten

     Boundary Stella of Akhenaten still survive today bearing testimony to the accurate surveying skills of the Cadastre Scribes, three on the western side of the Nile cut into limestone cliffs along the edge of the cultivation and twelve to the east following the hills that form the desert bay next to the river in the area now known as El-Amarna.

     The Boundary Stella of Akhenaten, shows that both pairs of princesses on each side of this Stella were holding hands, whereas the hand on the present figure's right shoulder indicates that she was joined in embrace with her sister.

     The boundary Stella of Akhenaten describe the founding of the city. The numerous rock tombs, some decorated with papyrus columns, were built hidden in the cliffs to protect them from thieves and flash floods. The famous lyrics of the 'Hymn to the Sun', composed by Akhenaten, is found in each tomb.

     The boundary Stella of Tell el-Amarna were probably carved in the years 6 to 8 of Akhenaten's reign.