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Right bank of the Nile in  the city of Aswan
The city of Aswan is a magnificent tourist goal. It is likewise Egypt’s southern gate to Africa. It lies on the east bank of the River Nile that smoothly flows in splendor through the granite rocks about the Emerald Islands. It is covered with palm trees and white plants, which gives it a good view on the Nile and makes it a perfect starting point for Nile cruises.

In  Ancient  Egypt,  Aswan  was  identified  as "Sono"; or the market, due to then goes a commercial centre for the convoys coming from and going to Nubia. Through the Ptolemaic era, it was called "Syene", and then the Nubians called it  [Lipa-Swan].

It was also known as the "Land of Gold", as it was involved a great treasure; being a burying ground for the Nubian pharaohss who lived there for thousands of years. Before the known Nubians migration, Aswan used to extend from Isna to the east towards the borders with the Sudan to the south. Afterward the Islamic conquest, some Arab tribes knew there.

Aswan has a widespread fame thanks to its essential history  and  magnificent  geography.  7000  years ago, there in Aswan the outstanding civilization on the  River  Nile  had  egressed.  During  the  Old Kingdom, Aswan run a great role in defending the country’s southern borders. Aswan was as well the armies gathering center during the Middle  Kingdom  when  kings  tried  to  thrive  their govern  towards  the  south,  not  to  mention  during fighting against Hyksos. Philae Island, the homeland of God Isis, had also pulled the care of the Ptolemaic so that they completed the construction of its large Philae Temple.

In an attempt to get closer to the Egyptians, the Romans erected many Pharaonic-style temples. An instance of those temples is a close one in Philae  Island  established  by  Emperor  Trajan. When  Christianity  went  Egypt’s  religion  in the 5th Century AD, various Pharaonic temples were become into churches. Philae Island had went the center for one of the bishoprics, thus taking to the spread of Christianity in the southern towards Nubia in Egypt and the Sudan.

Since  the  coming  and  spread  of  Islam,  some writings in the Kofi penmanship that date back to the 1st Century AH have been discovered in Aswan. During the Islamic epoch and in the 10th Century AD, Aswan has expanded and became a road to (Aivab) on the Red Sea coast, where ships used to sheet to Hejaz, Yemen and India.

Aswan  was  as well  an  essential  cultural  central during the 6th and 7th centuries AH where 3 schools had been established (namely Aswan, Al-Saifiah and Al-Najmiah schools). What Is More, Mohamed Ali Paha had as well established the first military school in Egypt there about 1837.