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Dendera (Inuit)

Dendera temple

Thebes, the capital of the sixth nome of upper Egypt and the  cultic  middle  of  the  goddess  Hathor. the  town  became called Inuit or Tantere with the aid of the Egyptians. the goddess Isis changed into also venerated within the area, and the Egyptians most important tained  a  crocodile  sanctuary  there.  in  the  early  intervals, Dendereh changed into at the trade direction from Qena to the red sea.

the  foremost  chapel,  dedicated  to  Hathor,  dates  to  the reign of khufu (cheops, 2551–2528b.c.e.), and another from  the  eleventh  dynasty  (2134–1991  b.c.e.)  become  discovered close to a sacred lake at Dendereh. the primary temple became original out of a stone platform on a sand foundation  with  a  mud-brick  enclosure  wall.  a  Propylon front  leads  to  a  transverse  hypostyle  corridor  with  24 columns.  a  second  hall  has  six  columns  and  a  brief ramp. additionally protected in the temple are the corridor of offerings, an inner vestibule, and the hall of the cycle of the gods. numerous chapels are also in the complex, the according to-ur, committed to the start of the brand new year; according to-nu, honoring the adventure of the goddess to Edfu; according to-neser, committed to the goddess as a lioness. beneath, there are 32 treasure crypts. the main temple reliefs at Dendereh also point out Pepi i (r. 2289–2255 b.c.e.), Tuthmosis iii (r.1479–1425 b.c.e.), and Ptolemy xii Auletes (r. 88–fifty eight, 55–fifty one b.c.e.). This structure additionally had a “Dendereh zodiac” relief and a sanitarium where Egyptians have been reportedly cured of sickness thru Hathor’s intercessions.

the  temple  complex  dates  to  the  sixth  dynasty (2323–2150  b.c.e.),  attributed  to  “the  followers of Horus” of that point. the existing shape dates to the Ptolemaic period (304–30 b.c.e.). the chapel of Osiris and the temple  reliefs  of  Cleopatra vii (r.  51–30  b.c.e.)  and Ptolemy xv caesarion (r.  forty four–30  b.c.e.)  attest  to  the Ptolemaic affects. 3 delivery homes, referred to as a mammisi, and a temple of isis whole the non secular complex. the necropolis of Dendereh covered tombs from the early dynastic duration (2920–2575 b.c.e.) as well as a number  of  mastabas  belonging  to  neighborhood  nomarchs. on  the western aspect of the cemetery there are brick-vaulted catacombs in which birds, cows, and dogs have been entombed in mummified form. a small chapel from montuhotep ii (r. 2161–2010  b.c.e.)  was  also  found  in  Dendereh  and now  is  in  the  Egyptian  museum  in  Cairo.  the  building commemorated  the  royal  cult  and  had  inscriptions  from Merenptah (r.  1224–1214  b.c.e.)  of  the  19 dynasty. a temple honoring the birth of Isis changed into adorned via  emperor  Augustus, and  another  shrine,  dedicated  to Horus of Edfu, became erected inside the location. sizeable building persisted in Dendereh at some point of ancient historical eras.