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Pyramid of Amenemhet I at El-Lisht
Lisht or El-Lisht is an Egyptian village placed south of Cairo. It is the site of Middle Kingdom royal and elite burials, including two pyramids built by Amenemhat I and Senusret I. The two main pyramids were surrounded by smaller pyramids of extremities of the royal family, and many mastaba graves of high officials and their family members. They were constructed throughout the Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasties. The site is likewise known for the tomb of Senebtisi, found carefree and from which a set of jewelry has been recovered. The pyramid complex of Senusret I is the best preserved from this period. The coffins in the grave of Sesenebnef present the earliest versions of the Book of the Dead.

The ancient Egyptian site of el-Lisht can be base on the west bank of the Nile River, around 65 km south of the city of Cairo. It is a Twelfth Dynasty necropolis, close to the metropolis of Itj-Tawy.

The Eleventh Dynasty’s capital was located at the city of Thebes. The first king of the Twelfth Dynasty, Amenemhet I, went the capital from Thebes to a city close el-Lisht called Itj-tawy, because it was close to the mouth of the Fayyum, and well placed to control the 'Two Lands' of Upper and Lower Egypt.Another motive advised is land renewal and desire to increase the agricultural output for the area. The ruins of Itj-Tawy have never been conclusively placed, and the only locational prove discovered consists of pieces of clayware in the area it is thought to be in. However, Twelfth Dynasty rulers established pyramids at el-Lisht which are knew to researchers.

El-Lisht is the necropolis of the first two rulers of Dynasty Twelve, Amenemhet I and his son and successor Senusret I. These pyramids would have been open to those traveling to Itj-Tawy from the south. The more known of the two monumental complexes, that of Amenemhat I, featured an offer hall with a granite altar, carved with pictures of examples of the nomes (provinces) bringing offers to the pharaoh. However, the pyramid itself is in a sunk state, rising approximately 20 meter above ground level.

Tombs of El-Lisht:

Pyramid of Senusret I
Tomb of Senewosret-Ankh
Tomb of a certain Senusret, shaft of Hapy, found untouched
Tomb of Intef (?)
French tomb
Tomb of Imhotep
Tomb of Mentuhotep
Tomb, South-Khor A
Tomb, South-Khor B
Tomb A in South area
Tomb of Djehuty
Tomb of Ipi
Tomb D in South area
Tomb E in South area
Tomb of Sehetepibreankh
Pyramid of Amenemhat I
Tomb 384 of Rehuerdjersen
Tomb 400 of Intefiqer
Tomb 470 of Senimeru
Tomb 493 of Nakht
Tomb 758 of Senusret, shaft with undisturbed tomb of Senebtisi
Tomb 954
Tomb 956