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Luxor Museum

Placed on the Corniche between LuxorTemple and Karnak, the Luxor Museum houses an outstanding collection of artifacts and statues got in archeological sites in and around Luxor. Highlights take the gilded head of Hathor from Tutankhamun's tomb, a larger pink granite head of Amenhotep III, and rest scenes of Akhenaten and QueenNefertiti. Open daily, time schedule changes.

Inside Luxor Museum
Statues in Luxor Museum
The Luxor Museum is surprisingly entertaining. Displays of pottery, jewelry, article of furniture, statues and stelae were created  by the Brooklyn Museum of New York.  They include a cautiously selected  variety of items from the Theban temples and necropolis.

There are a  number of exhibits from Tutankhamun, including a cow-goddess head from  his tomb on the first floor and his funerary boats on the second floor.  However, some of the real attractions include a statue of Tuthmosis III  (circa 1436 BC) on the first floor, and 283 sandstone blocks set as  a wall from the ninth pylon of the Karnak Temple. The hours for the  Museum are from (9 am to 1 PM) and last from (4 PM to 9 PM). in the winter.  Afternoon hours in the summer are from (5 PM to 10 PM).