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Mastaba of Kagemni

Inside the mastaba of Kagemni
From mastaba of Kagemni
Kagemni answered the rules of both the Third (2649-2575 B.C.E.) and 4th (2575-2465 B.C.E.) Dynasties of Egypt. He acted as the mayor of the capital of Memphis for Huni (2599-2575  B.C.E.)  and  as  a  vizier  for  Sneferu (2575-2551 B.C.E.). Kagemni, nonetheless, is famous for his Teachings, written for him by a scriber named Kaires, a clarifying  text  referred with  special  attitudes  of  service and  dedication  on  the  part  of  high-ranking  officials. Kagemnis  tomb  at  Saqqara, near the pyramid of Teti was  L-shaped  and  represented  dancers,  acrobats,  hunting, scribblers, and agricultural settings in pretty reliefs. There were pits included in the tomb for tone boats as well.

Mastaba belongs to an official who was appointed as a chief of justness, the highest governmental post in old Egypt, in the reign of the king Teti the 1st king of the sixth dynasty.

Kagemni was a son in law to the pharaoh and this was why he responsible him with such a high post. This enabled Kagemni to build an some ornamented tomb close to the pyramid of his king Teti. With his high put up and royal connecters, Kagemni was effective to get the best Egyptian workers of the time to progress his tomb.

Mastaba is on the dot located to the northwestern of the pyramid of Teti and to the northwest of the main pyramid at the complex of Saqqara, the step pyramid of King Djoser. This location reflects the essential power of such a high govermtal situation of the time.

This Mastaba tomb, which is an serious stage in the conversion from Mastaba building to pyramids building, was first discovered by Richard Lepsius, opening up Prussian Egyptologist and linguist and pioneer of modern archaeology, in 1843.