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Mortuary temple of Djedkare-Isesi

Djedkare's funeral home sanctuary lies on the eastern face of the pyramid, based on inclining ground which must be leveled before development could start. Two huge towers as an arch initially fronted the sanctuary, yet their motivation is as yet hazy and it creates the impression that they didn't contain any rooms.

Parts of reliefs found in the sanctuary range propose that it was once lavishly adorned, yet it has been seriously harmed and the zone has never been totally exhumed. The symmetrical arrangement is by all accounts like that of other pyramid sanctuaries of Dynasty V with a passage corridor and a focal colonnaded court with magazines on either side. The 16 pink stone sections in the court bore the names and titles of Djedkare-Isesi. The inward and external parts of the sanctuary were isolated by a transverse hallway, and past this was a chamber with five statue-specialties, a waiting room and an offering lobby and on the western side a false entryway was fused into the substance of the pyramid.