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Predynastic Period

This period predates the unification of the north and south parts of Egypt. Settlements were established beside the Nile River. By 3500 BC, Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt was the biggest Egyptian settlement with the busy town spread out on the Nile for over three km. Hieroglyphs made their first appearing toward the end of this period, about 3250 BC by the latest ideas.

Toward the end of this time, around 3250 to 3100 BC, a period sometimes denoted to by Egyptologists as Dynasty 0, there were pharaohs in Upper (Southern) Egypt with Narmer being of unique prominence. The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt is often attributed to a king called Menes or Narmer, who may be the same person.

The Narmer Palette points Narmer in battle and wear the crown of Upper Egypt on one side and the crown of Lower Egypt on the opposite side.