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Reneb (Unknown-2815)

Cartouche of Reneb
Worshiped mendes, and apis copper at memphis, but primarily re. Reneb or Nebra was the second king in the Dynasty 2. Reneb held Egypt after a coup to reverse his brother. His royal seals were discovered at Saqqara and near Hermopolis. Nothing some is known from archaeological stays of pharaoh Nebre who is another rather shadowy strong from the second dynasty. There is also a dispute about his call because he used to be called Nebre meaning: "Re is (my) lord". In the later years of the 1900s however scholars begun to favour the opposite order Nebre meaning: "Lord of the son". Which of the reading that is right is difficult to tell, but unimportant for his identification.

In the "Metropolitan Museum" in New York is a fine stela established of granite, and it is the most large remain of him. Though got in the town of Mit Rahina in the flood plain (the place of the old capital Memphis), the stela would have stood outside his tomb that obviously is to bee discovered in the Sakkara field. A possible structure that can bee the place of his last rest are the very large galleries under the funeral complex of king Djoser. Another theory that has been put forward, is that he took over this big resistance construction from his forerunner, and made it his own. In this case the galleries earlier had to belong to someone else, who is up to now unknown to Egyptology. By integration the sun and its god Re in his own name, Nebre started a tradition that should last for over 2000 years. An inscription on a black stone vessel gives the correct set for the first two kings of the dynasty. Their sereks are put beside every other led with the Horus falcon wearing the double crown and confronting a goddess. Second in line after the founder of the dynasty is king Nebre.