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Sahure (2458—2446)

Sahure's titulary

The second lord of the fifth Dynasty built up the Egyptian naval force and sent an armada to Punt and exchanged with Palestine. His pyramid has colonnaded courts and reliefs of his maritime armada, however his military vocation comprised for the most part of crusades against the Libyans in the western leave. He started the graveyard complex at Saqqara and he likewise had a diorite quarry quite recently west of Abu Simbel.

Sahure was a child of Khentkaus I, who, in her tomb at Giza, is said to have been the "mother of two lords". His dad most likely was Userkaf. There are no spouses or youngsters known to him and at any rate no offspring of his appear to have outlasted him, since he was prevailing by his sibling.

As indicated by the Turin King-list, Sahure ruled for a long time. The Palermo-stone notes 7 cows tallies, which either demonstrates a rule of no less than 13 years if the dairy cattle checks were held at regular intervals.

Like Userkaf, Sahure assembled a sunlight based sanctuary, named Sekhet-Re, which has not yet been found. It is once in a while expected that as opposed to building his own sun based sanctuary, he in actuality altered his dad's and gave it another name. The literary confirmation notwithstanding, demonstrates that Sekhet-Re was an alternate sanctuary that was being used in the meantime as Userkaf's.

He was the principal lord to construct his pyramid complex at Abusir, a couple of kilometers North of Saqqara. The move to Abusir was maybe as of now begun by Userkaf, who manufactured his sun based sanctuary there. The reliefs in his morgue and valley sanctuary delineate an including of outsiders by or before the goddess Seshat and the arrival of an armada from Asia, maybe Byblos. This may demonstrate a military enthusiasm for the Near East, however the contacts may have been political and business also. As a feature of the contacts with the Near-East, the reliefs from his funerary landmarks likewise hold the most seasoned known portrayal of a Syrian bear.

A relief showing a war against Libya is believed by some to be historical and by others to be merely ritual. The Palermo-stone also mentions expeditions the the Sinai and to the exotic land of Punt, as well as to the diorite quarries North-West of Abu Simbel, thus far into Nubia.

The second king of the 5th Dynasty established the Egyptian navy and sent a fleet to Punt and traded with Palestine. His pyramid has colonnaded courts and reliefs of his naval fleet, but his military career consisted mostly of campaigns against the Libyans in the western desert. He began the cemetery complex at Saqqara and he also had a diorite quarry just west of Abu Simbel.

The second king of the dynasty was Sahure and he is rather well attested for by his well-preserved pyramid complex at the new royal burial ground at Abusir.
When it was excavated the first years of the 1900s a great amount of fine reliefs were found to an extent and quality superior to those from the dynasty before. Some of the low relief-cuttings in red granite are masterpieces of its kind and still in place at the site. The construction of the pyramid was on the other hand (like the others from this dynasty) made with an inner core of roughly hewn stones in a step construction held together in many sections with mortar of mud.

While this was under construction a corridor was left into the shaft where the grave chamber was erected separately and later covered by left over stone blocks and debris. This working strategy is clearly visible from two unfinished pyramids and was the old style from the third dynasty now coming back after being temporary abandoned by the builders of the five great pyramids at Dashur and Giza during dynasty four.

Couple of delineations of the ruler are known, yet in a model he is indicated sitting on his position of royalty with a nearby nome (region) divinity close by. Picture left shows him wearing the huge regal headgear called by a Greek name "nemes" and underneath is his honored position name inside the cartouche (all together: hu-sa-re) made in help taken from a red stone segment outside his pyramid which had the name "The pyramid where the Ba-soul ascends" as appeared in hieroglyphic writing in picture beneath right.

Today just the internal development remains mostly unmistakable in a heap of rubble beginning from the unrefined filling of garbage and mortar behind the packaging stones taken away a thousand years back. The entire internal development is severely harmed and unrealistic to get to today (year 2002).

The passage at the north side is a short dropping hall fixed with red stone taken after by a path finishing at the internment chamber. It has a gabled rooftop made of enormous limestone layers and sections of the sarcophagus were found here when it was entered in the mid 1800s.