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Sened (2772—Unknwon)

Cartouche of King Sened
When pharaoh Sened was in power Egypt was likely divided once again into its southern and northern parts, with him as the king in North (Lower) Egypt from the capital Memphis.  There are no contemporary remains of him, not even the smallest writing is got so far. A possible exception is a block of stone with his name on it, that was discovered and reused as building material in the mortuary temple of fourth dynasty king Khafre (Khefren) at Giza. This piece might just be of second dynasty origin and thus contemporary to Sened.

Another remain with his name is from a private fourth dynasty tomb in Sakkara where a man named Shery has a title that tells that he is connected with the cult commemorating king Sened. This is 2 hundred years afterwards his death. The text also mentions king Peribsen who plausibly was Sened's vis-a-vis in the south part of the country at the same time. All other material sources science have about him are made in later times and one remarkable object in a statuette from 2000 years after his death made in the 800s BC.

Though considered to be very light by today's Egyptologists since he have left no remains of substance anywhere in Egypt, he obviously had a strong place in the heads of later Egyptian generations. The reason for this is so far secret to science. Another fact indicating in the same direction is that he was put in to the king-lists among the more famous colleagues of his. His name thus appears in the Abydos list (picture above right) and in the canon from a close tomb in Sakkara where he is depicted simply by a plucked goose (picture left). He is observed in the Canon of Turin as well, also there as a plucked goose.