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Sneferka (2859—2857)

Sneferka, this ephemeral pharaoh belongs to the very end of the 1st dynasty, a period that apparently was a time of some imbalance in society. His name is only good twice - both from finds in Sakkara.

One is a fragmentise of schist found by British archaeologist Walter Emery in the dust at the escarpment north of King Djoser's funeral complex, when he was digging mastabas from the first dynasty. (Emery: Great Tombs III, pl. 38.1). The serek (to the right) contains the three hieroglyphs making the king's name, but in a slimly different order than in the other remain from his universe - a stone vessel found under the pyramid of king Djoser and published by Egyptologist Kaplony in MDAIK in 1988. His name is not showed in any of the kings' lists made during the further 2.500 years the Egyptian state should exist. This can mean that he was a probably unknown to later generations due to the fact that his reign was a very short and empty one and the remains were very few. That's the understanding why his position (unneurotic with king Bird above) cannot be showed with certainty