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The Great Pyramid of Khufu

Great Pyramid of Khufu
The  Giza  complex pyramid   is  built  on  a  pointed  plateau.  The  largest  pyramid,  the Great Pyramid, is developed on the northwest inch of the plateau. Egyptologists  believe  that  it  was  established  by  Khufu  of  the  4th  dynasty  based  on  a  span  of cartouches  found  in  the  granite  relieving  chambers.  The  pyramid  is  otherwise  void  of dedications. The Great Pyramid is built from 2.3 million stone stops, mostly pressing around 2 tonnes.

Entrance of the great pyramid
It besides has granite blocks in its private chambers weighing up to 60 to 70 tonnes. The height of the Great Pyramid is 146 metres tall which is particular to the height of a 50 story constructing and was the tallest social structure ever built until the Eiffel Tower was built. 

Many  casual  observers  wear  that  the  Great  Pyramid  is  in  the  middle  of  the  three  major pyramids on the Giza Plateau but it is really the pyramid linked with Khafre that is the center  pyramid  of  the  three.  Exactly  south-west  of  the  Great  Pyramid  is  the  pyramid associated with Khafre. This pyramid is only 2 ms lower in height and still has quite a number of its special limestone casing stones left towards the top of it. 

There were nearly 120 000 encasing stones made of gleaming white tura limestone that in the beginning incase the pyramids at Giza before they were stripped wide to construct edifices in the city of Cairo. They would have been dazzling bright from many miles outside and  made  the  pyramids  shine  like  white  jewels  in  the sunshine.