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The Red Pyramid of Sneferu

Red Pyramid of Sneferu

Red Pyramid of Sneferu is the second biggest pyramid  722 feet per side  in Egypt. However, it is leaning much less (43 degrees 22 ) and shorter at 343 feet. Fourth tightest pyramid built, with 160 layers of stone. First prosperous true pyramid (not established around steps, etc) in Egypt and is the root of the Giza pyramids.

Built by Khufus father, Sneferu, who built three pyramids (at least). Also referred to as the Shining Pyramid or Northwest Pyramid. Layers of white limestone were laid for the foot, and tura limestone was used as casing. Nearly of the casing stones had letterings on the back in red paint appointment crews and cartouches. There are no identifying in scrfiptions in side the pyramid. Some of the stones are dated  giving us an idea of how long it read to build the pyramid and the episode of work. Around 30 pct of the pyramid had been completed and the entire pyramid was bright in 17 years. A mortuary temple remains to the east, and a pyramid was got and reconstructed. Not much continues of the temple, but it showed in the east-west preference of later temples. Entrance in the north side, leads to a 206 foot down passage (27 degrees) to the first chamber with a corbelled ceiling about 40 tall. All chambers have a corbelled ceiling, with between 11 and 14 layers in each. This is a very strong ceiling design. A transition on the south side results to the second chamber (whatever of the ehse are at ground level) and a third chamber (entered by a staircase) is last up in the pyarmid.

Inside the red pyramid of Sneferu
The second chamber is durectly under the peak of the pyarmid  one of the alone pyramids to have this layout. The entry to the third chamber is about 25 feet above with a modern staircase, leading to a 23 foot passage. This is probably the inhumation chamber with a 50 ceiling. The floor has been unearthed in an seek to find other passages. The severe structural probles seen while building the Bent Pyramid at Dashur South, led Sneferu to build yet other pyramid, at a small length to the North. White from its limestone casing, this new pyramid is has a redish colour, therefore its modern-day name, the Red Pyramid. Its Ancient Egyptian name was  xa, The Shining One. An lettering learned at the base of this pyramid has indicated that work had started during the year of the 15th cattle count of Sneferu's reign. Since the cattle counts were held at strong intervals during this reign, this refers to somewhere between Sneferu's 15th and 30th year. Interestingly, a second dedication was found 30 runs of stones higher. it is dated 2 to 4 years later than the lettering found at the base. This gives an idea about the speed at which the Egyptians were able to build a memorial like this pyramid.

The work on this pyramid plausibly started when functional problems found when ramping up the Bent Pyramid affected the builders to temporarily break this project. The Red Pyramid was built with a slope of only 4322'. Its base length is 220 metres, that is 32 metres more than the Bent Pyramid. Its height is the very as the Bent Pyramid in its final state: 105 metres. The broader base and lower slope were meant to better spread the mass of this pyramid and therefore avoid the structural jobs that had temporarily blocked works on the Bent Pyramid. The national structure of this pyramid is a further continuation of the pyramid at Meidum and the Bent Pyramid. Contrary to this latter monument, however, there is only one internal structure, making it a lot more smooth. The entering is located high up in the Northern face of the pyramid. A descending passage leads down for 62.63 ms to a short level corridor. This is followed by two about identical antechambers with corbelled roofs. Both antechambers measure 3.65 by 8.36 meters and are 12.31 metres high. The burying chamber can only be reached via a short passage which opens high up in the wall of the second lobby. The burial chamber measures 4.18 by 8.55 ms. Its corbelled roof goes up to a peak of 14.67 meters. It is located well above groundlevel, in the effect of the pyramid.