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Tomb of PtahShepses

The Tomb of PtahShepses can be entered by an unsteady stepping stool. Twofold room off the passage, which may have held sun powered water crafts. The main other known exammple of this arrangement is Kagemni's Tomb in north Saqqara. Head of Works to Sahure, first f the V Dynasty rulers covered here

Sarcophagus of Ptahshepses
Segments with lotus capitals are the most seasoned discovered ust toward the south-east of Sahure's pyramid there is a substantial mastaba tomb having a place with an essential high authority of Sahure's court. The proprietor is named in his tomb as 'Sovereign, Councilor of Nekhen, Guardian of Nekhen, Priest of Nekhbet, Supreme Judge, Vizier, Head of every single Royal Work, Beloved of his Master, Sole Friend, Secretary of the Morning House, Highest Lector Priest, Right Hand of the God Duau, Ptahshepses'.
Mastaba of Ptahshepses Pillars in the patio

The great mastaba is second in size just to that of Mereruka at Saqqara. It was first found by Jacques de Morgan in 1893 and all the more as of late examined by the archeological mission of the Czech Institute of Egyptology at Charles University of Prague, who have been completing rebuilding of the tomb. The mastaba is currently open to guests despite the fact that recording work is as yet proceeding.

The mastaba contains two components comprising of a superstructure, which was developed from mudbrick and stone work and appears to have advanced and been amplified over some undefined time frame - and the mostly shake cut underground load which is currently open to the components. The great front access to the tomb, which has as of late been remade, incorporates a patio flanked by two novel lotus sections. A raised live with three specialties which would have contained statues of the expired was likely utilized for offerings.

Reliefs from the mastaba of Ptahshepses   Reliefs from the mastaba of Ptahshepses
To the south is an enormous courtyard, surrounded by a portico which was supported by 20 square limestone pillars, decorated with reliefs of Ptahshepses. The huge pillars can still be seen in the now-open court which is annexed to the tomb structure. In the north-west corner of the court a sloping corridor leads to the burial chamber, which has a lintel decorated with the palace-facade motif. A huge granite sarcophagus belonging to Ptahshepses still remains in the burial chamber. To the south of the courtyard there are two boat-shaped pits, probably intended to represent solar boats and possibly even containing actual boats - which would have been an unusual feature in a private tomb. Ptahshepses obviously held a very important position in the court.