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Umm el-Ga’ab (Umm el-Qa'ab)

General view of area of Umm el-Ga’ab
Umm El-Ga’ab or Umm el-Qa'ab, it was the necropolis of the metropolis of Abydos, referred to as  “the  mother  of  pots”  by using  present day  neighborhood  residents. this become one in every of Egypt’s earliest cemeteries, utilized by the  rulers  of  the  first  dynasty  (2920–2770  b.c.e.).  second dynasty (2770–2649 b.c.e.) monuments, associated with Peribsen and Kha’sekhemwy, had been also determined on the website,  referred to as  “Peger”  in  some  data.  a few  Predynastic graves are also at Umm El-Ga’ab.

the  superstructures  of  the  royal  tombs  have  been destroyed  over  the  centuries,  exposing  the  stays  of brick-covered  burial  pits.  the  rulers  deposited  Stelae  and clay sealing in those chambers as well as ivory figurines and  mortuary  furniture.  the  tomb  of  Djer, the  2d ruler of the first dynasty, was declared the resting place of the deity Osiris. as a end result, the tomb obtained many honors and votive offerings, specially for the duration of the new nation  duration  (1550–1070  b.c.e.).  a  tomb  relationship  to the  twenty-first  dynasty  (1070–945  b.c.e.)  changed into  erected for  Psusennes,  the  son  of  the  high  priest  of  Amun, Menkheperresenb (2), at Umm El-Ga’ab. the tomb has a chapel,  burial  shaft,  and  mortuary  stela.  the  web page  is famous for the sounds made by way of the finely grained sands of  the  place.  this  sand  makes  Aeolian  melodies  whilst blown  over  the  ruins  and  the  dunes  by using  the  wind.  the Egyptians believed the sounds originated within the tombs.