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Ancient Egyptian Makeup

Woman using Makeup tools
Whatever men and women, wore very certain eye make up, rouge and perfumed oils that softened the skin and precluded burning in the sun and terms from the sandy winds. Not just did the men and women of Egypt bear make up but likewise the statues of their gods and goddesses were raised with all these unique cases of cosmetics. The full the status of the individual the more clothes and make-up they assumed.

Egyptian Makeup appear
in Queen Nefertiti Statue

Ancient Egyptians practiced a form of henna to pigment their nails and color their hair. The color and condition of nails have long been an indication of social status. The color used by Ancient Egyptian in this case make up was accomplished by the use of henna. The Ancient Egyptians used some perfumes found from the fragrances come from flowers, plants, seeds. They were went into a cream got from animal fats and oils such as the expensive oil addressed balanos or the more common castor oil. The Ancient Egyptians as well used myrrh, gum olibanum, cardamom and cinnamon to blend their perfumes.

Cosmetic in Ancient Egypt
Rich womans typical beauty regiment might set about with her waking in the morning and utilizing incense pellets to her underarms as a form of deodorant. Henna, a strong natural dye, is come from the dried, crushed leaves. Although the results were green it would raise a orange color or and dark red- brown . eye make-up broken by Cleopatra and other ancient Egyptians seemingly had a dual purpose, shielding the wearer from the "evil eye" and protecting them from eye disease. The almond form of the black Egyptian eyes was emphasized by the coating of black kohl or green malachite.

The lead-based makeup used by the Egyptians had antibacterial drug properties that helped prevent infections common at the time. Makeup was in the first place made by mixing 4  lead-based chemicals: galena, which produced dark tones and color, and the white materials.

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