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Cows in Ancient Egypt

Picture show the breeding
of cattle (cows) in
Ancient Egypt

Meat of cows (cattle) and goose were more loosely eaten than any other form of animal food. Cows were the great power source apart from human push, they were milked, slaughtered, sacrificed and eaten. On the other hand they were a artificial lake for the tuberculosis bacillus the human form of which infected a large circumstances of Egyptians and the bovine cestode.

Livestock Breeding in Ancient
Egypt (Inside the tomb of Kagemni, Saqqara)
Only a number of gods were precious in the form of bulls or cows. To Begin With a fertility god, Apis, the nearly essential male deity among them, admitted the role of Ptah's herald and was famous with his Ka as the Splendid Soul of Ptah. After his death he merged with Osiris, and was named Serapis (Osiris-Apis), a death god. Therefore the flesh of the cow was, though, never taken on account of its purportedly sacred character