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Deities and Ancient Egyptians

A general realizing of the worldview of the ancient Egyptians is the best grooming for this brief examination of their throwing array of deities. The term  "world view" refers the set of widely held feeling that people of a specific culture  hold to excuse what they maintain in their world. The ancient Egyptians interpreted every natural event in terms of the family relationship between natural and supernatural forces. Those phenomena that figured conspicuously in their lives enclosed the annual cycle of the flood of the Nile River (or inundation), the extended size and frozen harshness of the surrounding desert, and the daily cycle of the sun's coming into court in the east, gradual movement crossways the sky, and eventual disappearing in the west. The ancient Egyptians got a world view in which these and other events and checks were imputed to the actions of multiple, concerned gods and goddesses of Egypt.

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