God Anhur |
God Anhur or (Onuris) was a warrior sky god whose primary cult center was good
Abydos. Onuris was much famous with the sky
god Shu and was called the "son of Re. His name implied "He Brought Back the Distant One" (an alternative translation is "Sky-Bearer"). This is a mention to the myth in which Shu, as Onuris, thought Tefnut when she ran out to Nubia. Onuris' fit, Mekhit, was oftentimes identified with Tefnut, and both goddesses were represented as lioness-headed women. With Shu's solar connection, deity Onuris went seen as a warrior expression of the sun-deity Re. He was depicted in Egyptian artwork as a bearded, spear-wielding man. He was much shown with his one of both of his arms upraised and made to strike at the enemies of Egypt. Onuris wore an aggrandized robe and a crown with four high plumes.
As a warrior god, he was described with Horus. Onuris was seen as a shielder of the people against foemen, evil spirits and pests. At fetes honoring him, mock battles were staged.
God Anhur gone very modern during the
New Kingdom. He was addressed "Savior", and the bad people considered that he was a savior from their human charges. His Egyptian name was "Anhur" and the Greeks addressed him Onuris. The Greeks connected him with their deity of war, Ares. Following the fall of the New Kingdom, he remained very popular. During the Roman Era the Emperor Tiberius was depicted on the walls of Egyptian temples wear the diagnostic four-plumed crown of Onuris.