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God Arensnuphis

God Arensnuphis
God Anthropomorphic Nubian deity wearing a plumed crown who takes place in southern temples during  the Graeco-Roman period, contemporary with  the Meroitic civilisation based around the mid-fifth to sixth cataract region.

The Egyptian rendering of his name Ari-hes-nefer gives little clue to his nature, other than being a benign deity. A early kiosk-style temple was developed in his honor on the island of Philae during the dominate of Ptolemy IV Philopator (220 BC), the blocks from the southwest enclosure wall rendering that it was a joint enterprise with the Meroitic King Arqamani (Ergamenes II). However, only the  fact  that he is a  companion of  the goddess Isis, pre-eminent god of Philae, can  be  cleared  from  the  letterings. He  is  also  presented  on a wall of Dendur temple (earlier sited introductory the first cataract of the Nile, now re-erected at the Metropolitan  Museum of Art, New York) where he follows the localized  deified  fighters  Peteese and Pihor being revered by the Roman emperor Octavius Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD).