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God Banebdjedet

God Banebdjedet
God Banebdjedet or also knew as (Banedbdjed), the ram god was an ancient Egyptian god of Lower Egypt at Mendes. His name is interpreted as the ba (pregnant the spirit) of the lord of the djed. Ram gods often regarded as manifestation of other gods, as the word ram (ba) and the word for somebody or manifestation gone the same in Egyptian. He was as well incorporated to the first 4 gods or ba (Osiris, Geb, Shu and Ra-Atum), to reign over the Egypt. A huge granite enshrines for these deities were set in the Mendes bema.

God Banebdjedet was the consort of the fish goddess Hatmehit, who was the in the first place deity of Mendes and who was associated with Isis. Therefore, Banedgjedet was seen the generate of Horus. These three deities processed the Mendesian Triad. His visual aspect portrayed as a man with the head of ram or as a ram itself. He was also given the claims such as Lord of the Sky and Lord of Life.

According to one myth, Banebdjedet was consulted by the Divine Tribunal to judge between Horus and Set for the throne of the gods. Still, he proposes to consult Neith and ask for her sapience. As the dispute continues it is Banebdjedet who evokes that Set be given the throne as he is the elder brother. Banebdjedet cult center was developed at Mendes. He was celebrated as one of the Divine Ancestors who are buried at the burying ground of Behdet, during the Festival of the Beautiful Reunion took at Edfu.