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God Geb

God Geb
God Geb was one of the key gods of the Ennead, a family of nine deities revered in the city of Heliopolis start in the Early Dynastic Period. According to the Creation myth of this city, Geb's father, Shu, set out Geb from Geb's lover and sister, Nut, the goddess of the sky, and increased her up from his reposing body to form the spheres. In some versions of the myth, Geb's pain over this separation did him to fall on his face and weep profusely, thereby creating the oceans; the flat of his back as he lay prone grown  land.  Prior  to  their  separation, though, Geb and Nut made 2 sons and  2  daughters,  all  of  whom  were divinities: Osiris, Seth, Nephthys, and Isis.

As the father of god Osiris, the Egyptian God of the dead, Geb was finally knew  throughout  Egypt  as  a  major deity  and  grown  the  taken  of  other myths, one of which supplied the model for royal succession. Geb was said to have held the throne in the divine realm for a time and then went his rule on to his  son  Osiris,  just  as  human  kings gone their crowns on to their sons. Because  of  his  position,  many  kings  of Egypt strongly named with Geb, and in some times and places Egypt's kings were said to be Gebs heirs. Maybe for this reason, Geb was near always showed as having a human form, although in a few works of art he is shown with a goose atop his head. The goose was a source  to  a  myth  in  which  Geb addressed the Great Cackler made a cosmic egg that made the sun.