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God Maahes

God Maahes
God Maahes was a lion God and the son of goddess Bastet. He was shown as a lion or a lion-headed man. When read as a lion-headed man, Maahes would don a short kilt and any one of a come of headdresses. He would frequently be shown holding a stab and with a sweetness of lotuses close him.

He assisted Ra in the daily battle against Apophis. Maahes was a god of war and a sponsor of worthy places. A late Greek text named him as a deity of forces and darkness.

God Maahes was the local god of Leontopolis (Taremu) in Nome 11 of Lower Egypt. The ancient constructions have not been well kept, and there is some fence on the age of the temple destroys. There may have been a temple to Maahes in Leontopolis as earlier as the 18th Dynasty. Osorkon III constructed a temple was built for him in the 23rd dynasty in Bubastis (the precious town of Bastet).