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God Neper

God Neper Hieroglyphic Name

God Neper
 Neper was a God of grain, in Egyptian Gods, while Nepit was a goddess of cereal, and the female counterpart of Neper.

Seen  in  human  kind,  Nepri  is  frequently  described  as  a  child  nursed  by  Renenutet. Nepri's  body  was  figured  to play grains of corn. The hieroglyphics that write his name similarly take the symbols of grain. As lord of the mouth, Neper's mother was named as Renenutet, who gone the Ren, a person's true name, and who was also named as source of nutrition. In particular, Neper was especially associated with the most used types of grain, namely barley and emmer wheat. His name simply means lord of the mouth, a reference to the function of texture as nutrition. Once the myth of Osiris and Isis had started to be told, since Osiris was now a life-death-rebirth deity, in bad with many cultures, his story was related with the annual harvest, and the annual disappearing of any visible life in the crop. Thus, at this point, Neper became seen merely an aspect of Osiris, a much more important god, gaining the title (one who) lives afterwards last.