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God Osiris

God  whose  world  is Duat  the Egyptian Underworld. He  is  shown  in  human  form,  as  in his  earliest  coming into court  yet  old  on a block from the reign of King Djedkara Izezi (Dynasty V) which points the head and office of the upper torso of a deity, above whom  are  the  hieroglyphical  symbols  of Osiris's  name.  In  fuller  iconography  his body is represented as wrapped in mummy binds from which his arms issue to hold the wands of kingship  the curve and the flail. His distinctive crown experienced as the Atef comprises a rams horns at its  base,  and  a  tall  conical  centrepiece sporting a hook on each side.

The composition of his name has appealed much  attending  from  scholars  trusting  to discover  an  etymology  down  it  which could lead to conclusive proof concerning Osiriss  origins.  Few  possibilities  have  met with  even  a  quorum  of  acceptation  and most  remain  unconvincing.  From  the symbolizations of the eye and the pot, Osiris has been given sources both east and west of  the  Nile,  e.g.  in  Mesopotamia  as  the god Marduk, and in Libya as an suspect corn-god  bearing  a  Berber  name  which implies the old one. His name has been broken by others to close he who interests the throne or he who pairs with Isis.  It  has  even  been  proposed  that behind  Osiris  there  lurks  an  new mother-goddess  whose  name  might  be interpreted  as  she  who  belongs  the uterus.  However,  the  most  likely  account seems to be the simplest: Osiriss name is linked with the word woser which  would  give  the  smell  of  the Mighty One.

Other features of Osiris:

Osiris in Greco-Roman Time
Osiris as a Father of Horus
Temple of Philae as a cult place of Osiris
Osiris and the Pharaohs
The Gardens of Osiris
Osiris Ceremonies
Temple of Osiris at Abydos