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God Ptah

God Ptah
God Ptah was the god of ancient Egypt in Memphis, called Ptah-Sokar in a double make and Ptah-Sokar-Osiris in the double  style,  Ptah  appointments  to  the  earliest  dynastic  periods  of Egypt and perchance earlier. A intelligent theology made Ptah  pretty  obscure  to  the  regular  Egyptian.  The Memphite teachings concerning Ptah were broken on a stella, which explained the cosmology and the cult of the region. According to these tenets, Ptah was the only right  god,  the  creator,  and  all  spiritual  beings,  divine  or human, emanated from his will. The creation deities idolized in other cities were suspect to have been formulated by Ptah. This deity was also the source of the ethical and moral orders in the world, and he was visited the Lord of Truth in all historical periods. He was deemed capable of working forth life with words, as the tongue asserted what the gods heart knew.

Memphis,  the  cult  substance  of  Ptah,  was  visited  Hiku-Ptah,  or  Hat-Ka-Ptah,  the  house  of  the  soul  of  Ptah. Statues  and  reliefs  depicting  the  god  shown  him  as  a man  with  very  light  skin,  sometimes  green,  mummy wrappers, and an super collar with the menat. Most characterizations  of  Ptah  were  contrived  as  pillars,  emblems  of justice. Called the First of the Gods, Ptah was a patron of the  great  architectural  monuments  of  the  Old Kingdom (2575-2134 B.C.E.).

As Tatenen he was revered as the creative recommend, both for  the  world  and  for  the  several  works  of  art.  Likewise called Hetepi and Khnemi, Ptah was associated with the chaos  that  went  before  the  second  of  creation,  and was  then  visited  Ptah-Nun.  When  linked  with  the Nile,  the  god  was  worshipped  as  Ptah-Hapi;  with  the earth as Ptah-Tenen; and with the solar disk, addressed Ptah-Aten. The deity was likewise reputable in the great complexes of Amun in Thebes.