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God Shu

God Shu Hieroglyphic Name
God Shu

God Shu was an Egyptian god of the air, the sponsor of light  and  atmosphere.  At  the  command  of  Atum, Shu raised  Nut from  the  cover of the earth god Geb and varied  her  into  the  sky.  A  solar  god,  Shu  was shown as a man expecting a scepter, an ankh or a Maat feather. He bore a solar disk on his head. The  consort  of  Tefnut, Shu  was  also  part  of  lion cults.  The  four  pillars  of  heaven  were  his  symbols.  He was  worshipped  at  Heliopolis and  at  Leontopolis. Shu was addressed He Who Rises Up. He was a appendage of the Ennead in  Heliopolis  and  was  also  connected  with  the cult of Ra, restrictive that deity from the serpent Apophis. Shu  was  the  prosopopoeia  of  divine  intelligence  in Egypt.