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Goddess Raet-Tawy

Goddess Raet-Tawy name
Goddess Raet-Tawy name
Goddess Raet-Tawy or (Rattawy) is an ancient Egyptian solar goddess, the female expression of God Ra. First seems during the reign of the Fifth Dynasty, Raet is belike to have been a company of Ra from the come out, and did not have a break origin. Although she was visited the lady of the sky and the gods, she never given the grandness of Hathor, who was also considered the wife of God Ra (or, in other myths, his daughter).

Raet was of severe importance to established Ancient Egypt and predynastic, "for it was usual in the case of gods who were the production of the strictly dynastic period to pay [small] attention to the goddesses who were involved as their wives"

Raet was also considered a wife of Montu, and she formed a triple with him and Harpocrates in Karnak and Medamud. Her fete day was in the first month of the harvesting season. The substances of her cult were at Medamud, El-Tod, and Thebes. A average industrial from the Roman period with hymns to Raet has gone in fragments