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Goddess Sekhmet

Goddess Sekhmet name

Goddess Sekhmet
Goddess Sekhmet was a powerful war goddess of Egypt, the uprooter of pharaohs enemies, called "She Who Is Powerful". Sekhmet was a lioness  deity, the check of Ptah and the mother of Nefertum and Imhotep in Memphis A daughter of the God Ra, Sekhmet struck at evildoers and broken plagues. She also cured the righteous. Her clergymen were physicians and wizards.

Sekhmet had a modern role among the rulers of Egypt, as she was thought to bring about the innovation of the pharaohs. In the form  of a cobra she was called Mehen, and she possibly came from Nubia (modern Sudan) in the early eras. She  was  also visited the "eye of Ra".

Her statues normally depicted her as a woman with a lions lead, and at sentences she wore a sun disk on her point. In this form she was a warrior expression of the sun, getting flames to devour the oppositions of Egypt. In some eras, the gates of Sekhmet's temples were given as a signal of the onset of a military campaign. Amenemhat III (1844-1797 B.C.E.) admitted 700 statues of Sekhmet in his mortuary temple in Dashur. She  was also portrayed on the wall of the temple of Sahure (2458-2446 B.C.E.) at Abusir. This portrait acquired a widespread reputation for its weird cures.