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Goddess Serket

Goddess Serket name
Goddess Serket
Goddess Serket is the goddess of preventive poisonous sticks and bites in Egyptian mythology, earlier the apotheosis of the scorpion. Scorpion cons lead to paralysis and Serket's name describes this, as it substance [she who] reduces the throat, however, Serket's make besides can be read as thinking (she who) causes the throat to breathe, and so, as well equally being seen as stinging the unrighteous, Serket was seen as one who could cure scorpion burns and the effects of other envenoms such as snake bites. In Ancient Egyptian art, Serket was showed as a scorpion (a symbol observed on the earliest artifacts of the culture, such as the protodynastic period), or as a woman with a scorpion on her head. Tthough Serket does not come along to have had several temples, she had a significant number of priests in many residential areas.

The most dangerous species of scorpion rests in North Africa, and its sting may kill, so Serket was took a highly important goddess, and was sometimes took by pharaohs to be their sponsor. Her close connexion with the early kings implies that she was their guardian, two being touched to as the scorpion kings. As the protector against poisons and snake bites, Serket ofttimes was said to protect the deities from Apep, the big snake-demon of black, sometimes being described as the guard when Apep was got.

As legion of the venomous creatures of Egypt could test fatal, Serket also was taken a defender of the dead, in particular being linked with toxicant and fluids causing rigidification. She was thus said to be the defender of the tents of embalmers, and of the canopic jar affiliated with poison the jar of the intestine which was deified later as Qebehsenuf, one of the Four sons of Horus. As the safety of one of the canopic jars and a shielder, Serket gained a strong connexion with Aset (Isis), Nebet Het (Nephthys),  and  Neith who  also  performed  similar  functions.  Eventually,  later  in  Egyptian  history  that  crossed thousands of years and whose pantheon evolved toward a merger of many deities, Serket began to be identified with Isis, communion imagery and parentage, until in conclusion, Serket got said to be merely an expression of Isis, whose cult had become very dominant.