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Horus as a Child (Harpokrates)

God Horus as a Child
As a child, God Horus was famous as Harpokrates, "the babe Horus", and was portrayed as a baby being suckled by Isis. He was said to be common from the waist down. This may be because his father was gone when he was considered or possibly because he was born untimely. In later times he was affiliated with the newborn sun. Harpokrates is pictured as a child nursing his thumb and having his hair fashioned in a sidelock that symbolized his youth. On his head he wore the royal crown and uraeus. Also, in Egyptian art, such as the representative to the right, Harpokrates is presented as a child with the sidelock of youth straight on crocodiles and holding in one hand scorpions and in the other hand snakes.