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Isis and Hathor

Isis and Hathor
Through the  New Kingdom (1550-1069  b.c.), Isis and Hathor were close related because of their many similarities. Isis started to wear the Hathor crowncows horns with a sun disk staying between theminstead of her orthodox throne  crown. The  properties  of  the  two  goddesses became interlaced, and they widespread the titles Lady of  the  Heavens  and  Sovereign  of  the  Gods.  Isis first looks in the Valley of the Kings in the burial chamber of Tutankhamen.

Isis, heavy the orthodox throne on her head, and the goddesses Nephthys, Neith, and Selket all widespread their wings in security around the four faces of Tutankhamens sarcophagus. The said four goddesses also appear on the canopic shrine that holds the kings mummified pipe organs.

A shape of Isis straight behind  the  king  was finished when a portion of the tombs wall was dismantled during excavation to remove the large shrines covering the sarcophagus. In the prospect, Isis and Anubis welcomed  Tutankhamen  to  the  Netherworld,  and Hathor, the principal goddess of the west, proposed the king eternal life by holding an ankh to his nose.Isis, who plays an essential role in the myth of Isis and Osiris by seeing the took apart parts of  her  husbands  body,  reassembling  his  branches,  and breathing  life  into  his  body,  does  not  companion him  when  he  resurrects  in  the  realm  of  the  dead. Isis remains among the living, and it is Hathor who is associated with the west the land of the dead. Often it is hard to tell the departure between pictures of  Isis  and  Hathor  in  the  royal  tombs  because  Isis sometimes switches her throne headdress for the headdress  of  sun  disk  and  cows  horns  more  commonly affiliated with Goddess Hathor. The only way to tell them  apart  is  to  read  the  hieroglyphs  that  place the figures. When their personalities begun to blend they were sometimes called Isis-Hathor.