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Pyramid of Iput I

The Pyramid of Iput I
Queen Iput I was the principle queen of King Teti and the mother of his successor, Pepi I. The pyramid of queen Iput I was discovered in the getting of the 20th century. 90 meters northeast of Teti's pyramid Has none valley temple, no causeway, and no cult pyramid The mortuary temple is on the eastern face of the pyramid with an unique floorplan. It was introduced from Teti's pyramid to the south, with 4 limestone pillars and then an lobby with two pillars. An offering hol and niches for statues, which had a false door on the wall lining the pyramid, in look of which was a pink granite change. This is not the only mortuary temple for this queen. Another has been found in Coptos in southwest Egypt. Pyramid has a three step core and an catch on the  north. The pyramid has a ranked shaft from the second layer of the pyramid to the core. It is conceived that the pyramid was originally intended to be a mastaba and later changed into a  pyramid. The inside mastaba section is full that is left. A limestone keeping wall surrounds the full complex. A limestone sarcophagus was found, as long with a cedar coffin and the bones of a middle-aged woman. Other items take canopic jars, gold bracelet, a necklace, alabaster headrestr, a pill, copper utensils. Five canopic jars were got  only four are usual, so the fifth is credibly from another burying.