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The Amulet of the Vulture

The Amulet of the Vulture
The Amulet of the Vulture was meant to cause the power of Isis as the "divine mother" to be a security for the deceased, and was took of gold in the form of a vulture looming in the air with spread wings and checking in each talon the symbolisation of "life" and was set on the neck on the day of the funeral. With this amulet the "CLVIIth" Chapter of the (Book of the Dead) was linked, and it was ordered by the rubric to it to be narrated over it; this text learns:

"Isis cometh and hovereth up the city, and she goeth about searching the secret habitations of Horus as he emergeth from his papyrus floods, and she raiseth up his berm which is in evil case. He is made one of the company in the sacred boat, and the sovereignty of the total world is decreed for him. He hath warred mightily, and he maketh his works to be recalled; he hath made the revere of him to exist and awe of him to have its being. His mother the strong lady, protecteth him, and she hath transported her power unto him".

The start allusion is to the care which Isis showed for Horus when she was getting him up in the papyrus inundates, and the second to his battle with Set, whom he crushed through the might of Isis.