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The Pyramid Complex of Pepy I

King Pepy I was the first king of the 6th Dynasty have built his pyramid complex in Saqqara-South. His two immediate precursors, Unas and Teti, had chosen the neighborhood of the Step Pyramid complex of Djoser in Saqqara-North as their last resting place. Pepy chose the high desert to the northwest of the pyramid of Djedkare, of the fifth Dynasty. His pyramid is the northwestern royal monument of Saqqara-South.

The name of this pyramid complex , mn-nfr, "the beautiful memorial" would later be used for the city that lay to the east, and would be established in Greek as Memphis. Structure The Pyramid Complex of Pepy I comprises all the elements that by the sixth Dynasty had already went standard: a pyramid with to the east of it, a mortuary temple and a satellite pyramid and cold to the east a causeway that lead towards a valley temple. In the late 1980's, an enormous hill of debris and rubble placed to the south of the main pyramid was saw by a French team of archaeologists. They found four or maybe even five little pyramids with adjourning mortuary temples that once belonged Pepy I's queens. The queen for whom the southeastern most of these pyramids was built was addressed Nebwenet. She taken the titles 'wanted wife of the king'. The queen of the second pyramid bore the name Inenek/Inti and the third queen, whose figure is not (yet) known bore the titles 'eldest daughter of the king'. A stela written with the name of Meritites, 'daughter of the pharaoh and wife of the king' has led to the find of a 4th pyramid and close a fifth queen's pyramid has been learned.