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Trade in Ancient Egypt

Trade in Ancient Egypt (New Kingdom Period)
The involves of ancient advanced societies like Egypt were not fully fulfilled by their own resourcefulness, so trade routes were got to reach distant countries. The ancient Egyptians most oftentimes visited the countries along the Mediterranean Sea and the Upper Nile River to the south because they were immediately connected to Egypt and contained materials that the Egyptians desired. At several times in their history, the ancient Egyptians set up trade paths to Cyprus, Crete, Greece, Syro-Palestine, Punt, and Nubia. Egyptian records as early as the Predynastic Period list some tokens that were worked into Egypt, taking leopard peels, giraffe tails, monkeys or baboons, cattle, ivory, ostrich plumes and eggs, and gold. Punt (whose location is variable) was a major source for incense, while Syro-Palestine provided cedar, oils and salves, and horses.
Land travel was longitudinal and dangerous because of contingent attack by nomadic peoples. Donkeys were the only transport and throng animals used by the Egyptians until horses were brought to Egypt in Dynasty XVIII (1539-1295 B.C.). Horses were valuable and used only for sitting or for pulling chariots. The domesticated camel was not enclosed in Egypt until after 500 B.C.

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