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Wine in Ancient Egypt

Wine Making in Ancient Egypt (Inside
the tomb of Nakht in Sheikh
Abd el-Qurna -Luxor)
Wine and ancient Egypt have a very rich history. Wine was known to be downed by the Egyptians as advance as 3000 BCE. The Egyptian word for wine  jrp forgoes any other known moniker to have been yellow for wine. By the time of the 18th dynasty, wine had grown a popular consumer merchandise in ancient Egypt with both red wines and white wines sovereign to bad people.

To hold wine, they blamed a bunch of grapes and squeezed all of the juice out by treading on them in a trough big sufficient to hold at least six men. This mixture was white in a clay pot with the date and vinery almost exactly like today. For much of the ancient Egyptian history, wine was more often than not consumed at the court of the Pharaohs. They regular determined an official as wine-taster. Wine was also a common drink in the menus of rich and powerful of ancient Egypt.