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Worship of Amun

Worship of Amun was widespread and the pharaohs presented the cult with land a part of the booty from conquering. One of the essential situations in the cult was the gods wife of Amun and the queen or queen-mother frequently fimagecentered this role. These women advanced power and portrayals show them making offers to gods.

Two fetes at Thebes taken the images of Amun and other gods traveling to other places:

1- During the Enjoyable Fete of the Valley, images of the Thebean Triad were drawn of Karnak. They traveled on a boat, across the Nile, to visit the mortuary temples on the west trust.

2- At the celebration of the Opet Festival, Amun traveled from the Big Temple at Karnak to the temple at Luxor. This festival celebrated the precious marriage between the deity (Pharaoh) and the gods wife (the queen).