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Amenemhat III (1844-1797)

Hieroglyphic name of Amenemhet III
Hieroglyphic name:
Hieroglyphic name of
Amenemhet III (snfr k3 ra)

Montuhotep III name: Amenemhat or Amenemhet  or Amenemht, Nimaatr

Head of Amenemhat II
Amenemhat III was the sixth King of the 12th dynasty of Egypt, son and replacement of Senusret III. With Amenemhat III, which taken as name neswt bity of Nymaatre, the Egypt of the Middle Empire reached the period of greater economic prosperity, with a well-run country, the nomarchs and compliant nobleness and the credit of foreign. After some construction projects of his father (Semna and Kumma defenses), could engage in agricultural projects of powerful, such as that practiced in the Faiyum, recovering great nearby areas for polish. His long reign - some 46 years - granted should at least twenty-one expeditions to the Sinai in search of metals and other products, as it is known by more than 60 adjustments there left, what cold complemented the wealth of Egypt. Dispatches to the stone pits of the Uadi Hammamat, Aswan and Toshka were besides made, and stayed removal of pits in Tura.

Amenemhat III carried out pregnant construction works (heavy Shedet [Crocodilopolis] Temple of Sobek and Hathor Temple of Serabit el-Khadim, on Sinai; Temple of Sobek -Renenutet Medinet Maadi; Kuban Temple in Nubia). However, the most rich was the dead room temple, with its old palace, which broken in Hawara, known as maze and named with words of admiration by Herodotus, Diodorus and Strabo. It was taken to figure two pyramids, one in Dashur and different in Hawara, where it was buried, as well as a Cenotaph as a mastaba in Abydos. It was delivered the goods by his son Amenemhat IV, who had acted as it corregente for a hardly a years. Between their wives should quotation Aat, another strange name, and Hetepti, mother of the identical Amenemhat IV, who was buried in Dashur. Amenemhat III, who had noted a Sed Festival, was deified at his death with Lamares name (so called besides Manetho), and he received cult in the Fayum area. Amenemhat III some statues, blue but direct, known case of granite Sphinx with his look (Cairo Museum), the head of Copenhagen or the early head (10 cm in height) of the Egyptian Museum in the Vatican.

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