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Army of Montuhotep II

The army of Montuhotep II. This is a remarkable collection of  bodies  broken at Deir El-bahri, on  the  west shore of the Nile at Thebes, beside the mortuary complex of the ruler. Almost 60 Egyptian soldiers were inhume there  in  ritual  burial.  Full  of  them  had  died  of  battle lesions taken during the siege of the city of Hierakonpolis in a battle to unify the body politic, and they wore covers marked  with  the  cartouche  and  stamps  of  Montuhotep  II, identifying them as the pharaohs comrades-in-arms who were sure to share payoffs with him in heaven. The tomb was hooked during the Second Intermediate Period (1640-1550  B.C.E.)  but  then  reported  by  a  landslide, which sealed it in effect.

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