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Vignettes : The funeral procession to the tomb, and the ceremony thereat, are here depicted . The mummy of the deceased, lying in a funeral chest placed in a boat, is being drawn along by oxen : figures of the goddesses Nephthys and Isis stand at the head and foot respectively. By the side kneels the wife of the deceased . In the front of the boat stands the Sent priest, dressed in a panther's skin, burning incense and sprinkling water, and behind follow eight male mourners ; in the rear are servants drawing a small funeral chest surmounted by a figure of Anubis, and carrying vases of unguents along with the couch, staff, chair, palette, etc ., of the deceased . Preceding the oxen drawing the funeral boat are men carrying on yokes boxes of flowers, vases of unguents, etc ., and a group of wailing women with uncovered heads and breasts, who smite their heads and faces in token of grief. Close by stand a cow and her calf, intended to be slaughtered for the funeral feast, and tables loaded with offerings of herbs, fruits, etc . At the door of the tomb stands the god of the dead, Anubis, clasping the mummy of the deceased, before which kneels the weeping wife . At a table of funeral offerings stand two priests . One, the Sens priest, wears a panther's skin and holds in his hand a libation vase and censer ; the other holds in his right hand the instrument UR HEKA I in the form of a ram-headed serpent, the head of which is surmounted by an uraeus, and in his left hand an instrument in the shape of an adze F. . With the former he is about to touch the mouth and eyes of the mummy, and with the latter the mouth . On the ground, by their side, lie the instruments which are to be employed in the ceremonyof "opening the mouth", i. e ., the ceremony which will give the deceased the power to eat, and to drink, and to talk in the next world, namely the Meskhet u. , the group of instruments in the form of adzes t', the Pesh-en-kef , the libation vases, the boxes of purification, the bandlet, the feather, etc . Behind them stands the "Reader" who recites the funeral service from a papyrus roll, and to the rear is a ministrant who holds the haunch of beef which is to be used in the ceremony at the door of the tomb .


Saith Osiris Ani, (4) Osiris the scribe Ani :- Homage to thee, O bull of Amentet, the god Thoth, (5) the king of eternity, is with me . I am the great god near the divine boat, I have fought (6) for thee . I am one of the gods, those divine chiefs, who make (7) Osiris to be victorious over his enemies on the day of the weighing of words . (8) I am thy mediator(?), O Osiris . I am [one] of the gods (9) born of the goddess Nut, who slay the foes of Osiris and who hold in bondage (10) for him the fiend Sebhu . I am thy mediator(?), O Horus . (11) I have fought for thee, and I have put to flight the enemy for thy name's sake . I am Thoth, who made Osiris to be victorious (12) over his enemies on the day of the weighing of words (13) in the great House of the Aged One (i . e ., Ra) who dwelleth in Annu (Heliopolis) . I am Tetteti, the son of Tetteti ; (14) I was begotten in Tattu, I was born in (15) Tattu . I am with those who weep and with the women who bewail (16) Osiris in the two lands of Rekht, and I make Osiris to be victorious over his enemies . (17) Ra commanded Thoth to make Osiris victorious over his enemies ; and that which was decreed [for Osiris] (18) Thoth did for me. I am with Horus on the dav of the clothing of (19) Teshtesh r and of the opening of the wells of water for the purification of the divine being whose "heart moveth not, (2o) and of the drawing the bolt of the door of the concealed things in Re-stau. I am with Horns who [acteth] (21) as the guardian of the left shoulder of Osiris in Sekhern (Letopolis), (22) and I go in and I come forth from among the divine flames on the day of the destruction of the (23) Sebau fiends in Sekhem . I am with Horns on the days (24) of the festivals of Osiris, and of the making of offerings on the Sixth day festival, 3 and on the Tenat festival 4 [which is celebrated] in (25) Annu . I am the ab priest who poureth out libations in Tattu [for] Rere (?) the dweller in the Temple of Osiris s (Heliopolis), [on the day of] (26) casting up the earth . I see the things which are concealed in Re-stau, (27)  read from the book of the festival of the divine Ram 6 [which is] in Tattu . I am the Sern priest (28) [and I perform] his course . I [perform the duties of] the Great Chief of the Work 7 on the day of placing the Hennu 8 boat (29) of the god Seker upon its sledge. I have grasped the spade (3o) on the day of digging the ground in Suten-henen (Heracleopolis Magna) ."

"O ye who make perfected souls (31) to enter into the Temple of Osiris, may ye cause the perfected soul of Osiris, the (32) scribe Ani, to be victorious with you in the Temple of Osiris . May he hear as ye hear ; may he see (33) as ye see ; may he stand as ye stand ; may he sit as ye (34) sit [therein] ."

O ye who give cakes and ale to perfected souls in the Temple (35) of Osiris, give ye cakes and ale at the two seasons (i . e ., at morn and at eve, or sunrise and sunset) to the soul of Osiris Ani, who is (36) victorious before all the gods of Abtu (Abydos), and who is victorious with you ."

O ye who open the way (37) and lay open the paths to perfected souls in the Temple (38) of Osiris, open ye the way and lay open the paths (39) to the soul of Osiris, the scribe and steward of all the divine offerings, Ani [who is victorious] (40) with you. May he enter in confidence, and may he come forth in peace from the Temple of Osiris . May he not (41) be rejected, may he not be turned back, may he enter in [as he] pleaseth, may he come forth [as he] (42) desireth, and may he be victorious . May the things which he commandeth be performed in the Temple of Osiris ; may he walk (43) and may he talk with you, and may he become a glorious being along with you . He hath not been found to rise up (44) there,' and the Balance [having weighed him] is now empty ."

In the Turin papyrus this Chapter ends with the following lines for which no equivalent occurs in the earlier texts :- (16) Let not the decree of judgment passed upon me be placed," or, according to another reading, "made known in the mouths of the multitude . May my soul lift itself up before (17) [Osiris], having been found to have been pure when on earth . May I come before thee, O lord of the gods ; may I arrive at the nome of Double Right and Truth ; may I be crowned 2 like a god endowed with life ; may I give forth light like the company of the gods who dwell in heaven ; may I become (18) like one of you, lifting up [my] feet in the city of Kher-abaut ; may I see the Sektet boat of the sacred Sahu (i . e., Orion) passing forth over the sky ; may I not be driven away from the sight of the lords of the Tuat (underworld)" (19) or, according to another reading, "the company of the gods ; may I smell the sweet savour of the food of the company of the gods, and may I sit down with them . May the Kher-heb (i . e., the Reader) make invocation at [my] coffin, and may I hear the prayers which are recited [when] the offerings [are made] . May I draw "nigh (20) unto the Neshem boat and may neither my soul nor
its lord be turned back ."

"Homage to thee, O thou who art at the head of Amentet, thou Osiris who dwellest in the city of Nifu-ur .I Grant thou that I may arrive in peace in Amentet and that the lords of Ta-tchesertet 2 may receive me and may (21) say unto me, `Hail ! Hail, [thou that comest] in peace!' May they prepare for me a place by the side of the Chief in the presence of the divine "chiefs ; may Isis and Nephthys, the two divine nursing goddesses, receive me at the seasons, and may I come forth (22) "into the presence of Un-nefer (i . e., Osiris) in triumph . May I "follow after Horns through Re-statet, and after Osiris in Tattu ; "and may I perform all the transformations according to my "heart's desire in every place wheresoever my Ira (double) pleaseth "so to do ."

The SourceThe Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

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