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Queen Hatshepsut (1473-1458)

Hieroglyphic name: 
Horus name of Hatshepsut
Name: Hatshepsut, Maatkare, Netjeretkhau, Wadjrenput, Weseretkau.

Stone statue of Hatshepsut
Queen Hatshepsut was the daughter of King Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose . She married her half brother, Thutmose II, by whom she had leastways one daughter, Nefrure. Hatshepsut gone regent for her stepson, Thutmose III, but she before long risen the throne in her individual right, although the date for this act is debatable. She involved that she had been assigned as heir to the throne by her father. Hatshepsut built her dead room temple at Deir el-Bahri with scenes establishing the great effects of her reign, admitting an excursion to Punt and the erecting  of  an  obelisk.  The  work  was  supervised  by  her  chief architect, Senenmut, whose relatives with the queen have been the taken of much hypothesis.

Her reign ended after 21 years, presumptively upon her dying, and her stepson  grown  sole  ruler.  Hatshepsut  initially  built  her  tomb as pharaoh's  wife  in  the  Wadi  Gabbanat  al-Qurud.  Her  sarcophagus from this tomb is now put up in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. She seems to have been buried with her father in a juncture tomb (KV20) constructed later in the Valley of the Kings. Thutmose III later frustrated to expunge all mention of his aunt, although he appears to have been on comparatively good terms with her during her dominate. Her mummy was identified in 2007 as one of two women found in KV60.

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