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Temple of Amenhotep IV (Luxor)

Talatat walls (the temple of Amenhotep IV)
Devoted to Amun-Min, Mut, and Khonsu, the "Harem of the South". Every spring, a flotilla escorted Amun's effigy from Karnak. Built in the New Kingdom. Founded by Amenophis III (1417-1379 BCE) of the XVIII Dynasty. Also made the 3rd pylon at Karnak and the Colossi of Memnon. Akhenaten finished work. Wrk taken up under Horemheb.

Ramses II (1304-1237) of XIX Dyn brought much of the temple. Alexander the Great rebuilded the sanctuary. Allow 3-4 hours, peculiarly in the evening. Got by Amenhotep III, then Amenhotep IV "Akhenaten", then Tutankhamun, the Horemheb. Full by Ramses II.

First pylon: obelisk and statues have been withdrawn. Peristyle Cort: contains a enshrine of Tuthmosis III and a mosque, Abu-al-Haggag, which is largely 19th century. Two black granite staues of Ramses II also are here. Colonnade: 14 colums with papyrus capitals.

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