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Theban papyri of the Book of the Dead

The papyri upon which simulates of the Theban rendering were written vary in length from about 20 to go ft, and in width from 14 to 18 inches, in the 18th dynasty the layers of the papyrus are of a stronger texture and of a darker color than in the following dynasties. The art of taking great lengths of papyrus of light colour and fine texture made its highest plus ultra in the 19th dynasty. An examination of Theban papyri shows that the work of writing and informative a fine copy of the Book o the Dead was frequently separated between two or more radicals of artists and penmen, and that the sections were afterwards joined up into a whole. Occasionally by mistake two groups of men would transcribe the same chapter; hence in the papyrus of Ani, Chapter XVIII. takes place twice.

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