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Thoth, the Author of the Book of the Dead

Thoth, in Egyptian Tchehuti or Tehuti, or , who has already been named as the author of the texts that form the PER-T EM HRU, or Book of the Dead, was believed by the Egyptians to have been the heart and brain of the Creator, who was in very early times in Egypt named by the natives "Pautti," and by foreigners "Ra." Thoth was also the "tongue" of the Creator, and he at all times voiced the will of the great god, and spoke the words which required every being and affair in heaven and in earth to come into existence. His words were powerful and once uttered never staid on without effect. He set up the laws by which heaven, earth and all the ethereal bodies are held; he ordered the forms of the sun, moon, and stars; he invented making and purpose and the arts, the letters of the alphabet and the art of writing, and the science of math. At a very early period he was called the "scribe (or secretary) of the Great Company of the Gods," and as he kept the divine register of the words and works of men, he was seen by many propagations of Egyptians as the "Recording Angel." He was the inventor of physical and moral Law and became the prosopopoeia of justice; and as the Companies of the Gods of Heaven, and Earth, and the Other World established him to "weigh the words and deeds" of men, and his verdicts were last, he got more powerful in the Other World than Osiris himself. Osiris owed his triumph over Set in the Great Judgment Hall of the Gods entirely to the skill of Thoth of the "wise mouth" as an Advocate, and to his mold with the gods in heaven. And every follower of Osiris relied upon the advocacy of Thoth to good his acquittal on the Day of Judgment, and to secure for him an everlasting habitation in the Kingdom of Osiris.

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